

Precious family & friends...
PRAISE the LORD...it's finally here!! Kaytie, Sandra, Cliff & I leave for India this morning. We will be gone from September 4th - September 19th.

I wanted to express my heartfelt thanks to those of you who have prayed and helped to support this mission trip financially. Thank you. I'm not quite certain how to fully express the level of gratitude I feel so I trust that "Thank You" will suffice.

Please pray for safe travels and good health. Please pray that we would be effective in our ministry and that the Lord will use each of us to our fullest potential. Please pray for our families while we're away (I know Kevin is in great hands!!)

I leave today knowing we're covered in prayer. I leave today humbled, renewed and dressed in the full armor of God.

Much love and many blessings to each of you,


  1. So excited for you! You will be in my prayers continually....Blessings on you!

  2. Praying for you every day and Kevin too. Miss you :)
