
Ask & Wait...

I prayed for almost 1 year that the Lord would provide an opportunity for me to go to India in order to serve. I felt desperate, really. I kept saying, over and over, "I have to get there, I just have to get there". I was often overcome by the butterflies in my stomach as I sat thinking about when and how said opportunity would present itself. I googled my eyeballs out researching different ministries until I felt the Lord say "ASK and WAIT". Ask & wait??? What does that mean? Ask & wait??? Apparently it means just what it sounds like. Ask & wait.

So I asked and waited...this is how it played out...

I asked my uncle, who has traveled to India many times, if he had any trips planned in the near future...his response was no but that he and my aunt had a dear friend who was involved in an incredible ministry in India and they would introduce us. Then I waited and we met. I wonder if they knew how huge of an impact this introduction would prove to have on my life. Kaytie works for India Partners (a Christian ministry) and has an enormous amount of passion for India. She's a faithful, strong, courageous woman of God. I admire her in such a way. We met in a Starbucks and I felt the most incredible connection to her as she shared with me her love for India. Could someone feel about India the way I feel?? This woman is PASSIONATE about India. I cried and was overcome as she told me about all the Lord is doing in India. And then...then...she invited me to go with her in September of 2009. SHE invited ME. I almost wasn't able to drive home. I raced home to Kevin and exploded with the incredible stories and information Kaytie shared with me!! I was a disaster...excited, nervous, emotional!! Was this THE opportunity the Lord had provided? It was.

Kevin and I spent the next few days praying and praying. We were driving to work one morning, in the midst of rush hour traffic, and I asked him if he thought I should go. My blessed husband said he was certain the Lord had made it clear that it was time for me to go...finally time.

And so...I'm going.


Reading is Good...

This is a photo of some of my very favorite books. Most of them are written by Indian authors and are about Indian culture but there are a few based in Pakistan & Afghanistan. I love reading books based on Indian culture because I learn so much from every page. Because I was adopted I don't have any biological information or medical history. This doesn't create a void in my life but has stirred some curiosities from within. I've learned so much about my history by learning about the country and city from which I came. When you know your biological family you don't question why your hair is blond or your eyes are blue...most of the time you can look to family members and see exactly why you're tall or short or athletic or not. This is not a luxury I've ever had. Someday I will be a mom and I will know the joy of seeing yourself in someone else...I can't imagine how incredible that will be. Below are a few things I've learned about myself and my culture through reading my Indian books...

*Because of the area where I was born I am known as a Bengali
*Bengali's are known for their shiny, black hair
*Bengali's are known for being petite
*Bengali's are known for their beautiful singing voices
*Bengali's are known for their big, dark eyes
*Bengali's are known for having a fear of being cold

When I found out about these 5 main features of Bengali's I was overwhelmed. This is the reason I continue to read and read and read. Peace. Comfort. Knowledge.


From Hate to Love...

In the last 29+ years I have become, what you might call, Americanized. Actually, seeing as I only spent the first 3 months of my life in India, maybe I was never "Indian-ized"...maybe no transformation took place the way it does for those who immigrate at a more established age? None the less, I am Indian by heritage. Statistically, in Calcutta in 1980, only 1 out of 10 girls born would live to be 1 year.
Out of 10.
I am so grateful to have grown up here. My intention is not to be dramatic or arrogant. My intention is to express the deep level of humility and appreciation that comes with, not only, surviving impossible conditions but also being blessed with a remarkable family and growing up in a country with limitless opportunities. This is how I feel today but I didn't always feel this way. For most of my younger years, I struggled with being different from everyone else I knew...being a different color, having a different name, having a different history...etc. All of my family looked alike. I stood out like a sore, brown thumb ;) I was told how incredible my story was...how blessed I was to be alive, how grateful I should be. I had such a great upbringing and wouldn't want it any other way but most kids don't want to be unique. Most kids want to match...blend in. Blending in is not something I did well.
I've changed. These days I want to declare to the world that I am Indian!! You could say I've gone from hate to love with regards to my Indian-ness. The Lord has worked on my heart and helped me to realize how important ones heritage is. Within the last year I have been indulging in Indian books, movies, articles, clothing, jewelry and food. I'm getting a late start in understanding my Indian culture but I plan to learn all that I can. ...r...


Old Posts...

I'm going to add some posts to this blog that are from another blog I've maintained since August 2007. I think these posts are a definite reflection of what the Lord has been doing in my heart, with regards to my desire to learn more about my Indian culture. For those of you who double dip on my old blog and this one, I apologize for the duplication of information :) ...r...



I believe each of us has a purpose. While I have not always been committed to fulfilling the purpose God has for me, I definitely believe He has always had one in mind. 

As mentioned in the description of my blog, I was born in Calcutta, India. I was abandoned in the slums that over populate this city and eventually taken to a local orphanage. I lived the first 3 months of my life in this orphanage and was then adopted by Christian parents dedicated to serving the Lord and raising their children to do the same. I firmly believe I have the family God always intended me to have. I don't believe I was lucky. I don't believe I was unlucky. Life is not perfect but I believe there is always a purpose. 

What is my purpose? I'm not entirely sure I could give a thorough answer that I would believe to be completely accurate. The truth is that I don't know the details of the purpose of my life and how they will play out day by day. What I do know is that the Lord blessed me with a powerful testimony and much more than I deserve. I know that the foundation of my purpose in this life will be to walk with the Lord and to minister to those around me on a daily basis.

Over a year ago the Lord laid India on my heart. I knew He had a purpose in mind but I wasn't clear what exactly it was. I decided to pray and to learn as much about India as I could by watching documentaries, reading books, listening to music, watching movies, reading articles...etc... I tried to get my hands on everything possible that had anything to do with India. A few months ago the Lord made it very clear to me that He wanted me to go to India to minister. I had no idea how He would make that happen but continued to pray. Through a series of connections, which I'll elaborate on later, I was introduced to an incredible woman who is leading a team to India in September of 2009. She invited me to come and now I know that this is a purpose God wants me to fulfill. I'm excited and terrified but, most of all, I'm certain this is the path the Lord wants me to walk down and I'm committed to setting my fears aside and following through. ...r...