

There are 3 areas I've asked for support from my family and friends...here's an update...
  • Accountability - The Lord has been doing a lot of work on my heart in the last few weeks. I'm learning more and more about complete surrender. I want to be certain the Lord is able to use me according to His will in India so I'm committed to allow Him to work on many areas of my life that have been in great need of some polishing. Thank you to those of you who have gently held me accountable as I need you to be a part of this process.
  • Financially - God is SO good. I'm grateful and amazed at the obedience and generosity of so many of you. I'm excited to have you on board with me as, TOGETHER, we are committed to serving the Lord by spreading His word and love in India. Currently I still need to raise about $1,400 and I trust the Lord knowing He will continue to provide.
  • Prayerfully - I know you're praying and I cannot thank you enough. Please continue to pray for my team, the people we'll encounter and all the Lord has in store. Please pray that the finances will come together and that I will continue to grow in my faith.

I'm certain this is only the beginning of our work in India together. Will you be coming with me on my next trip? Will you plan one of your own? I wonder what the Lord has in store for India...I know, according to His word, He will be faithful to complete the work He's started.

Blessings on each of you...Reshma


...Hosea 10:12...

"Plow new ground for yourselves, plant righteousness and reap the blessing your devotion to Me will produce! It's time for you to turn to Me, your Lord, and I will come and pour out blessing on you."

I am clinging to this verse. God is doing a major work on my heart and in my life this week and I am so grateful. He is so faithful. The refining process can be painful and difficult but I am committed to trusting in the Lord and allowing Him to mold me into the woman He wants me to be. Let's be clear...I am no champ. I've fought and fought to avoid turning my life entirely over to Him but He is so gracious and has granted me another opportunity to walk closely with Him. SO gracious.

I am going to walk with Him.

One foot in front of the other...here WE go...



When I was little my mom used to sing this song to me and my brothers...

"Have patience, have patience. Don't be in such a hurry. Have patience, have patience. You tend to start to worry. Remember, remember, that God is patient too and think of all the times that others had to wait for you."

As you can imagine this song used to infuriate my brothers and I ;)

I've been thinking about patience lately and my lack of it. I leave for India in 60 days. I am anxious, excited, nervous and IMPATIENT. I just want to get there already. However, I believe that every day leading up to September 4th is another day and opportunity for me to prepare myself spiritually, another opportunity for Him to refine me and, most of all, another opportunity to minister wherever I am. I believe that every day matters; all 60 minutes of every hour and all 24 hours of every day. As I've said before, I believe God is a God of purpose. He is deliberate. India is not my only opportunity to minister and serve. Each day I have the incredible opportunity to minister to my family, friends, co-workers and strangers. Every day matters.

I'm convicted.

I want every day of my life to be purposeful and deliberate.

I choose to start today. Today I choose to be patient and to see what is right in front of me right now.

Of course India is going to be on my mind every day, however, MINISTRY is what needs to be in the forefront of my mind. Ministry at the grocery store, in my office, with my family...etc...



My dad is one of the most thoughtful people in my life. While I'm blessed to be surrounded by many thoughtful people, he stands out as one who is extra kind, generous, loving and thoughtful. Not only does he enjoy gift giving but he takes the process very seriously; he is patient and puts a lot of thought into what gift he wants to give, what the reason behind it is and how it will bless the recipient.

The photo above is of my most recent gifts from him. The Indian Rupee is the original official currency of India. My dad, being the generous man he is, went to his bank and specially ordered some Indian Rupees to give to me before I go to India. He wanted to help me in raising funds for my trip and was very creative in his delivery of said funds :)

I'm leaving for India in 66 days and I so appreciate the thought my dad put into his generous gift of support. Thank you dad, I love you. ...R...